Tammie Murphy

Feb 07 at 12:53 AM

She looks like she could be just lenos daughter


Feb 07 at 12:52 AM

She was arguing with someone on her live telling them to check on their son's booty hole yikes 😳 that's awful though because she was really getting to the grit with the single white female


Feb 03 at 10:26 PM

Tashaaaaaaa you ain't shit😂😂😂😂 got me over here crying at you taking to the lady from a diary of a mad Black woman telling her to get life insurance and her cat scratched I don't think she was ready for that 😂😂😂😂 also I'm so proud of how you handled the single white female I'm peaceful but when she asked your husband did you miss me? Lawd she would be missing!!! Love ya girl


Aug 04 at 08:28 PM

Dionicia smith what and who was it about can I get a breakdown

Aug 04 at 07:16 PM

Dionicia smith I can't find it

Aug 03 at 11:37 PM

What happened to the exclusive you was suppose to drop today? Are you ok?

Jun 26 at 08:26 PM

That Nda was because they was about to be a victim after those drink


Sarah Silver the son didn't think so his God mother spoke up when he said he's not sure

So another mysterious death around Jay Z huh? They need to bring her body up and do a toxicology test that mfer is ruthless

Replied on Happening now

May 04 at 07:25 PM


What's up with diddies logo for love records? what do you see?
