Marilynn A Jones

Pasadena, CA, United States

TashaK...your facial expressions are off the chain and this was a fun, crazy interview😂🤣😂 No judgements but I'm a One Man Woman. And it's definitely trauma bonding and hope they protect themselves. Joe was one of the most underrated players in the game and its good to see him looking healthy and seemingly happy--different strokes for different folks🥰

Jan 31 at 07:21 PM

Awh how precious--your twin-,I know you miss him!

Jan 31 at 07:18 PM

Great looking great out fellow Wineo and I'm sure she appreciates it!


Jan 30 at 08:28 AM

Yes, I actually have 2 emails from May/June of last year but deleted them. TashaK may want to stop her from using our data--maybe a violation of stealing email addresses, account info etc. as Intellectual Property.

Sis, what am I missing--it's a screen without the wineo paraphernalia, Teddy, and her infamous chair--maybe a work in progress?, yes!

TashaK....whats' up with the background--not giving that classy style...looking less expensive--not being mean--just expecting more as you progress-OG Wineo since you started the private app--PLUS--where's our Teddy?🥰🥰

Jan 27 at 02:08 PM

Light 'him up for the child support and I'm proud that you were to move on because you're now the image you want your child to do see: we may fall down BUT we STAND UP because God gives us strength to overcome trials,tribulations etc.

Yeah... congratulations TashaK on your continued success AND you better come back to LA too and ATL!
