💰I see a brand deal in the making!!💰
TK please consider having the team reach out to Red Lobster’s new CEO. Black man with some ambitions on making the restaurant chain great again. See what I did there 😂.
You would offer the interview a unique perspective as a former employee of the chain and the industry. Plus you have some keen insight and could really offer some great feedback as well as a platform to gather support. Get us a 10% discount sis and have them stock your new wine. Pending favorable terms and conditions for all parties.
What do you think winos? Would you watch the interview?? I would!
Commented on Hey Winos!! Drag me… I underestimated...
Mar 07 at 03:34 PM
Oh damn. So sorry to hear this. I consider you and the whole team as close personal friends, so I’m a little worried. As a wino, you have my love and support regardless and especially when you need it most. Praying Cheik continues to get better. Sending love and healing energy.