
Can they all just come together and all of them take lie detectors every single last personā€™s name that has been mentioned, including the goddamn mama


And Tasha, you may have a little bias against Chantel because she is a liar, We all watched our lie on you directly. However, you were interpreting exceptionally cleared Wrong. And thereā€™s more than one type of clearance it seems like exceptionally clear just means that something was preventing them from obtaining evidence to arrest him. Doesnā€™t mean that there wasnā€™t any.

I looked it up

"Exceptionally cleared" isĀ a case status that indicates that law enforcement has cleared an incident without arresting or formally charging the offender.Ā This happens when there are elements beyond law enforcement's control, such as the death of the offender.Ā For example, if the offender commits suicide or is killed by police or citizens, the case is exceptionally cleared.ā€

He made it seem like exceptionally cleared meant he was cleared of all charges because there was so much proof that he didnā€™t do anything, but thatā€™s not what exceptionally cleared means damn clearance I donā€™t know. Does he have herpes or not because he said that there was a situation where they thought he had herpes like what is really going on because you said Chantel doesnā€™t have her baby she has warts, then you were to believe to have herpes but I thought this was about warts not herpes. Iā€™m confused.

Mannnn at this point Chantels momma got some explaing to di she got nerve telli g her child she needs to get her facts straight when shes the one Who taught her how to have them all crooked

Oh hell, no not you trying to minimize the effects of STDs. Did this girl really just say if I get something itā€™s no big deal and thereā€™s too much stigma around catching STDs? Girl, you can walk around with a burning Coochie trying to get a doctors appointment for a week if you want to buy your damn self, donā€™t preach that shit like itā€™s OK.

This chick doing contact tracing for her pussy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

I Agree with TASHA! She wants to have a husband that treats her like the HB ICY wife, but itā€™s OK with her being a hoe or a boyfriend/girlfriend that treats her like their number one but is also OK with her being a hoe and cognitive dissonance is a real thing all that stuff she said about STI and STDā€˜s girl youā€™re just trying to make yourself feel better because you can get tested all you want. Sometimes the test will come back negative and a person is actually positive and it takes a while for it to show up in the test then next thing you know when it shows up in the test, you canā€™t even figure out who gave it to you because you have so many partners Iā€™m down for having multiple people that you deal with as a single person but multiple sex partners absolutely not and I am happy that Tasha nipped that in the butt because as she said, there are young adults that watch this show that are impressionable

Apr 03 at 08:56 AM

The visuals that he created were just soft corn for Petros the real disgustingness of it all is when youā€™re listening to it without watching it when itā€™s playing in the background, or if you were to close your eyes and listen to the things that are being said, and done they sound like hard-corecorn. Especially those Ren & Stimpy cartoons straight. Disgusting. Having the girls making weird noises and moaning, Ariana Grandeā€™s sexual kitty voice all of that craziness sounds disgusting and Iā€™m pretty sure he was creating those things for those people who wanted to listen and get off on that.


Lmao she looks like herrr omg

Her thinking he was uncircumcised because he was fat is very possibleā€¦ she wouldnā€™t say that if she didnt truly believe that i dont think. She is crazy as hell still for leaving her child with anyone shes accusing of anything and if that razor thing is true she needs to be locked up