Shenika Green

Dallas, TX, United States

Native is a good one for fem BO as a product. Internal is good info too.

Sexy Red is disgusting. I will fast forward her part on that Glo song.

You can’t believe SO. I know one that is registered and his story was the same. He was 18. She was 15 and the daddy got mad. Come to find out after I pulled the record. It was aggravated with two other guys his cousin and a friend. I don’t trust their story they try to make it fit, and that would sound possible.


My ex husband and father of my 2 kids did the same. I only was in jail for 24 hours, but still that was enough to be done. For a lie at that.

I believe her. She seems genuine. I think she wanted to help ppl

I said the same thing about kept saying her name. Who does that?


Why he calling her by her first name?

A tiger never changes its stripes. She is so lost.


Men who are overly aggressive and bashing gay men are secretly gay.
