Andrea Arrington

I just prayed for her and anyone suffering similar abuse. Staynstrong. Please hold on.

Nipsy claimed Lauren. He had a woman who was a long time rider. I have been there. I was the Lauren. But that woman was a foundation.

I saw your message before and much respect to Tasha and her team to actually follow through. Much respect. Stay blessed Sis.


Listen, I have watched porn before. I never watch black people porn. Porn is degrading even though it may be a turn on. I never want to see black people behave in the ways white people do. There IS a difference. Very few black women will do what these white girls do. It's insane.

The rapist looks evil AF. Also rape is about control and power.


Where is the Sukihanna interview? I searched and found nothing. I want to see her interview so I can understand what makes her like being a hoe-type person.

The grocery store nut lady is lying and a bad actor


What is a surgery credit? I'm 52 been in medicine all my life. I have never heard of a surgery CREDIT??? DA HELL....

Stop blaming your "trainee". You should have had them prepared. It's your fault and it's tacky how you keep throwing them under the bus...smh