
Feb 23 at 03:50 AM

Magic Are you MoB? Pretending to be a gay man in the picture? Why would you go so hard for someone you don't know? How has Tasha statment about another person affected your life? This is giving weird energy and why are you harrassing this women about a negative statment she made years ago. You must be be MoB. There is no way you will be fighting for someone's life this hard in the comments unless you're that person.

Feb 23 at 03:39 AM

Magic Are you a lady man? Simply put, stud? I only ask because of all your emotional responses. Why do you care how TK has conducted herself past or present? Why are you wasting so much time and energy on this and you have a response for everyone that has something to say about your comment. Real men don't have time for this. Did you dress like a man in that picture just to make this irrelevant point. All this is suspect and stupid. Make yourself useful and use some Magic to disappear!

I knew she was full of it when she started doing all those twist and turns and not finishing her explanations for the statements that she made. How you go from black people and community, to talking about the alphabet people, and men on the DL. Girl, what???? You would have to be drunk and high to let this lady to get over on you. At this point she just putting everything but the kitchen sink together in this conversation. By the way she has had relationships with women according to one of her ex girlfriends B Taylor.

Angela DAVIS I agree with you 1,000%. I also just watched her ex girlfriends video exposing what it was like to be in a relationship with her.

LAKISHA Sullivan That lady is full of it. If you're someone who can read between the lines, then you can tell that lady is obviously talking in circles and the stuff she is saying is all over the place. When you have a discerning spirit, then you can pick up on the fact that something isn't right about her.

The Polygraph exam she posted doesn't have a signature from the person who administered the exam. Typically all polygraphs are signed by the examiner. There are pdfs online that can be downloaded and you just fill in the blanks. Just saying that seems a little questionable
