Cynthia Glover

Yasssssss Nylah....I LOVE HERRRRRR!!!!!!!!



Tasha girllllll U DONT OWE NOBODY AN APOLOGY FOR YOUR TRUMP VOTE!! Fuq anybody that makes u feel otherwise...I understand the apology but it is Not needed...Real Winos rock with u regardless of your political views....girl u know u got that thang hangn over your head and T some of us r not n your tax bracket so you should vote in the best interest of your family....schiiittt...ijs🍷🥂🥂🍷🍷

Theme song b hittn like fuq.....ayeeeeee!!!🍷🍷🍷


Blu Ivy DID NOTlook like a little girl at the Mustafa premiere...

She is 12...that style of dress was too revealing for a 12 dress is for grown ups not preteens...too much makeup...she look like she had more make up on than Bey...ijs..

Cinderella was older than

C ya!! And I wouldnt wanna be ya!!!


I loveee that damn intro song!!!!!...

I groove to that beat like Im n the club...lmao


Me2...I gotta cramp in my side...every time he start that whisper cry...I holla
