
Samantha right I was thinking: so you basically wanted us to know big fat walrus ced flipped you🙄


So basically she's exposing the fact that she got flipped...and they had spaghetti...ok🙄

I don't believe she's lying. I think Kevin is suing to scare Tasha K into not showing this interview. That's what it's giving. The shit with Cardi B is old and please show me one person who made a mistake and did not learn from it? Many people learn and do better the second time around. So his suit mentioning Cardi B is neither here nor there..your job Mr. Hart as the plaintiff is to prove how she defamed or extorted you. The burden of proof is always on the plaintiff. Petitioning the courts and successfully suing the person is two different things.

Did you not hear her say he owes her money because he shortchanged her check by gambling? 🙄 I swear y'all hear what y'all want to.
