
The Ressa Tessa story sounds like it was two scammers meeting and one got out scammed. Granted, I only watched up to part 8. šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø

Lol after that mall incident NASA opened applications for Planetary Protection Officers.

Each time Tasha asked him a question regarding moralityā€”what happens if my voice is used unjustly? His response was ā€œbut itā€™s AI,ā€ ā€œwe can talk to Galileo; Einstein?!ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™€ļø


Listen how he talksā€¦ ā€œI can become the most important person in the world.ā€ His desire to be validated supersedes his morality. This is why AI can be dangerous, itā€™s not regulated by natural laws (such as time), thereā€™s no governing authority. Where thereā€™s no authority destruction ensues. Mankind finds new ways to do evil things to itself.

Mar 05 at 08:07 PM

Iā€™ve finally watched this after Nature Boy was sentenced to life without parole recently. Iā€™ve been reading the comments, and listening to each memberā€™s testimony. Idk evrythng, but I know this: the word ā€œcultā€ is short for ā€œcultureā€ā€”a culture happens when a group of people have collective thinking. Laws create culture; if youā€™re under a law, youā€™re within a culture/cult. How did these folks get caught up in CN and NBā€™s antics? Easily: everyoneā€™s seeking an identity, and depending on how motivated you are to find an identity and submit to it, youā€™ll do a lot of things other people find to be crazy and bizarre. Weā€™re ALL trying to answer the question ā€œwho am I?ā€ ā€œWhat is my purpose on this planet?ā€ Science attempts to answer these question with each new discovery. Mankind attempts to answer these questions with religion, and titlesā€”ā€œIā€™m a doctorā€ ā€œIā€™m a Christianā€ ā€œIā€™m a 5%erā€ ā€œIā€™m a mother/father.ā€ These men, like alot of people who join ā€œcultsā€ attempted to answer those question.


Her singing reminded me of Marlyn Monroe when she sang Happy Birthday to JFK. šŸ˜‚

She initially reminded me of Michelā€™e when she said greeted Tasha. šŸ™‚
