
I remember when this info came out many many years ago. They dropped the song Benzino was talking about, and yes, Eminem said it. It was on YouTube about 10 years ago I think..

And yes, Eminem spoke about the track, admitted he made the tape bc he was heartbroken after dating a black woman. He disappeared for a moment—idk if it was bc he started glitching at a sports game, or bc the song came out.


I remember hearing this story some years ago. I echo another commenter; her spirit and ability to not look like what she has been through is amazing. Bless this woman.

I heard a guy say some men use misogyny as a way to restore power when they’ve lost power in other places on their life. Hearing her take reminded me of that conversation. I’m 12 mins and so far I’m intrigued.


He is exactly what I think of when they say money can’t unlame you.


Yoshi murder is a crime, desecration of a corpse is a crime, but cannibalism itself isn’t illegal, expect in Idaho’s legislation where it’s specifically stated.


Fun, (but useless) little know fact: Cannibalism is legal in 49 states. Idaho is the only state that explicitly states in its legislation it’s a punishable offense, except in extreme life or death conditions.

When nephew started speaking, the interview took a turn. I’m confused…he wanted to fully throw “Tommy Crockett” under the bus, but when they spoke about Bobby Brown, they stumbled over their words and evaded the convo entirely...Why use shots of brown as a scare tactic? To scare Bobby to do what?

Nakia S precisely. Scamming isn’t synonymous with money; scamming is a matter of deception to gain an advantage; whether that’s self deception or some other type of deception. Ressa desired a title and a new address, and she was willing to be deceived and ultimately deceive herself to have the advantage of being a wife, a mother and a different address. They we’re using each other.


Tonya Wesley I dont speak for people, I speak for myself, therefore, my opinion doesn’t have to be, and more than likely, won’t be yours, and that’s okay. You watched the full series, I didn’t, and I don’t intend to. Ressa stated early on her negligence led to her experiences—she wanted to be a married and have children at all costs—Her decisions were costly. Whether you watched the full series or a portion of the series, the take home is the same: Love yourself more than you love the optics of a title; don’t make other people responsible for your happiness, and you date people at your level of maturity and self esteem. That’s it, that’s all.
