Tonya Wesley

Dr Heavenly stand ten toes down as well. And funky ain’t did her no favors. She been on her own reality show and funky don’t like black women no way so why the fuck we give a fuck about his hatin ass! Fuck him. When he create and produce his own shows then I’ll take him serious. Never seen him give a black woman a job boo boo. Heavenly said what she said if for those of us that feel the same my real man/my husband will beat a bitch ass for me. Just like Heavemly husband of 30 years will do for her. Ain’t everybody gotta agree with yall. She live in Atlanta and don’t know what experiences she has had!! If him and heavenly that cool why he didn’t defend her with Al when Al went off on her on TEA GIF

I don’t like Funky or Bondy and I’ve loved Married to Medicine before I even heard of them. Dr. Heavenly been authentic. She don’t hold her mouth!! She has every right to feel the way she feel. And I’m sure her husband of 30 years live her dirty draws. Funky went to her for his raggedy ass teeth. He did her no favors. She been on her own reality show without Funky. Carlos is the king of reality. He is a producer. He been around when RHOA since day one. Funky don’t like black women. He ain’t no real man. All she saying is that a husband is gonna defend his woman not trying to be like her. Tasha you got your nerves. If you gonna say protect the gays you gotta be fair and accept the trans as well. Just like you have an opinion so does everybody else. You been really mean and bullying lately.

Yep cause he damn sure wasn’t working. I watched the whole season and he was always there. Never at work. Living off her and her kids! Pathetic excuse for a man


He seemed to be around keke all the time so when was he at work. I saw the show and he was never at work. That man was living off her and now the free ride over he come out with lies. He need to come out the closet!! No real man runs to the internet to blast the mother of his kids. My husband would never!!

If you wasn’t there then don’t speak on shit! You going off the word of a bitter ex husband looking for any reason to blame her for him not seeing his kids. I would never drink while pregnant but if my husband saw me doing that it damn sure would be a problem. So while she was so called drinking what was he doing? Why he didn’t stop her? When she was doing shows to provide for the household what was he doing? I’ll answer: NOTHING!! So I guess one of her older kids got cancer because she drank while pregnant with him over 20 years ago? You sound very ignorant just like his bitter broke ass. He mad cause she left his zesty ass. Her balls was bigger than his!!! GTFOH

So she wrong because her soon to be ex-husband gets in a wreck and soon as he come out of the coma she was supposed to do……….? She didn’t owe him shit. Folks is delusional. Y’all would blame the wind for blowing if yall could . Ain’t no one woman with that many kids got time to be sitting up plotting on niggas. Let’s be real. She has kids with cancer, special needs kids and all kind of other things going on. Matter of fact when I watched the last season of her show your ass sir was never at work. You just sat around in the background living off that lady and her money. Now you gonna blame her mouth being the reason you don’t talk to your kids. Deadbeat ass

I said the same thing! His mannerisms is giving he really want Jamal instead of keke, and she must’ve realized and left her ass because if he left her he wouldn’t still be so pressed


He sounding like he just told her health information which is against her hipaa (or however you spell it) laws. And he giving sugar in his tank cause baby the way he ran to Tasha for an interview. My nigga if you left her you would’ve been moved on with your life not on here snitching. And if he know so much why he didn’t report it. He just as guilty! He married her because of who she was, not love!!! He probably wanted ole Larry himself!!! That woman been taking care of her kids. With or without a nigga. Gone over there with Larry Reid and em. Real niggas or should I say real (men) don’t gossip like this!!

Bingo!!! You took the video so that you could use it against him of he pissed you off. It is not your place to tell that man’s truth. You are outing him because he slept with somebody else in your house. Who randomly dates someone and videos them sleep. You dirty and stop with fake crying with your lying evil ass!! And for the record you a fatty too!


Oct 31 at 04:57 PM

I agree. Her fans going to peoples business or calling the city officials is doin too much. They claim Mel has no control over that but I have never heard her tell her fans a to stand down.