Brandi Edwards

He used an app to fake the texts. That's why you see green message boxes. Green is for android, but they both have iphones. All of the other messages show both parties are using iphones.


He is a very dangerous man. I downloaded the videos and documents and he is some kind of wicked. I do not ever want to live with anyone like this dude.


Don't be nervous. No one cares what Martell says because he's lied so much. Besides, those receipts up there in the resources area...only prove that Martell is an abusive Narcissist. I feel sorry for Mel for not recognizing his personality before they were married. Watching him record her gives me chills of how wicked he really is. Holding the baby while she's crying trying to make it appear that Mel was leaving him with the kids. Mel was going through some evil wickedness in high places type of abuse.


That part!! Just incriminated himself. He lied and said he didn't take her money. Bet he didn't show that video in court.


Exactly! We can clearly tell that he provoked his ex wife. You can hear it in the words that they're both saying. But, Martell thinks he is the smartest person in the room.


Grace for him went out the door when he constantly launched attacks at his ex wife. It isn't even about the affair. That died in season 1. Martell makes himself the villain and we are sick of seeing him.


Martell these videos and papers make you look like a complete NARCISSISTIC ABUSIVE BLACK FOOL!!! Did your dumb behind think that we would not be able to tell that you faked text messages? Or that you did some foul bs to your then wife and would pull out your phone to record her reaction to your abusive behind? Now I'll start the hashtags myself. #FireMartellNarcissticHolt #WeDoNOTSupportNARCISSITICABUSE you freaking fool.


Girrrllll,lol. Thank you for the heads up. 😂

Martell is the definition of a dumb a** Ninja. He couldn't even fake the text messages right.
