
Tasha is tired of her shit. Why are we looking at the side of her face. No idea what she looks like. This is the weirdest interview. Very evasive and boring. She needs to  just hush. Cause uhhh uhh. And why did we skim over Lisa Wu and these marriages?? Lisa is a raging alcoholic, why not ask about that. So many answers. 

When Tasha look straight in the camera I just assume the guest  is lying. 😂😂😂

He said he needs more than 6-7 inches....yikes 🤧🤧🤧

This ain't wine this is Boone's Farm. A slow story week clearly...😴

I beLIEve her more than I do Clarence and the Funky Bunch!

When is Clarence and the "family" taking a lie detector test???


I said from the beginning they are ALL LIARS and this man is not innocent! I don't think Chantel ever  got a fair chance to tell her story on this platform the way the rest of the family did. You can not be biased and emotional in REAL journalism. In the end they are all VERY twisted and under some sort of spiritual ...never mind. Y'all all be blessed and Go THANK GOD if you didn't have to grow up with this level of chaos and trauma. Go tell your parents THANK YOU and that you love them! Go give God some glory for saving you!

Teniqua Martin I see you comment here A LOT. 😔 It sounds like you're battling the same type of demons, unresolved abuse and turmoil this family has and I pray God heal you as well. My family is dysfunctional and far from perfect but I absolutely can not relate to this level of sexual and mental abuse on ANY level. For that I am STILL grateful! I also STILL pray people go find JESUS and get off of YouTube! This STILL remains a hot azz demon filled mess! I don't care how many time you try to sugar coat it or berate and harass commenters that changes NOTHING. Free speech is just that FREE! Please go HEAL and get out these comments cause this ain't where your healing is baby! This will never be normal. Happy Sunday! Jesus is STILL real! BYE! ✌️XoXo

IEP means individualized Education Plan... and it's all Bullshit. The school system and these parents and doctors are trash.