
At least she is smart enough to know that the slave tactics of beating kids into submission is NOT the answer! She ain't stupid.

All this crackish overtalking and her looking  at Clarence like he's a snack is just weird. I thank the LORDT Jesus for my lil boring azz  family. This is really a bizarre and crazy way to live. I don't need to see anymore. I'm convinced everyone involved is EXTREMELY damaged and in need of an exorcism. NONE of these people are normal or trustworthy. This is worst than anything Tyler Perry could conjure up in his writers room. Literally UNBELIEVABLE! MY GOD!

I know a crack like slur/speech when I hear it. She def on something! I don't really feel this is a reliable source...nope. And she is the perfect victim bc she was also previously molested. This is SAD AF!


AND it sounds like Will and Jada helped her out with VARIOUS jobs oh and 40,000! This is why you have to keep your circle tight. People go crazy and forget everything on mad day. Snakes!


I can't stand thieves and the whole idea of you owe me so imma steal from you is crazy. She lost ALL credibility when she said that. Not once but twice! Jada is better than me because if i came back and the rent was spent that would have been her ASS! On sight!!!!

And why in the WORLD would a girl tell her DADDY  sexually explicit stories about sucking dudes off and having sex??? MY GOD. I guess i'm just crazy because my daddy ain't never heard about me holding a niggas hand. We don't talk like that because WHY would we. He would shut it down DOWN! INAPPROPRIATE AF!! but ok.

My step brother is a long term ex con and Clarence reminds me a LOT of him. The posture, the tone, erily similar. I remember someone claiming he sexually assaulted them at work and it was swept under the rug. He was very manipulative and slick. I don't know who did what to this girl because i'm not God. I didn't like the way you approached the girl vs the family. Give them ALL the same respect and then let everyone decide. That is effective unbiased journalism. The approaches were just 10000% different and very aggressive and biased. NONE of us know the TRUTH. AS a woman that had a father with a similar background (multiple women, sex addict, etc.) as you (Tasha) I would just think you may sympathize just a little and present the evidence and let her bury herself. You attacked her and she shut down. Being overly sexual is a sign of abuse. She seems to have mental issues similar to mom. I'm just saying...something in the milk ain't clean! ALL the way around!

Sounds like he's saying Chantel's BD was given a "permanent" disease that would make it impossible for him to move on. YIKES! These people are crayyyyyyy crayyyyyy.

So why not try to prosecute the guy he says raped her at 3 yrs old...DAD??? Why not ask him about that. These are a bunch of twisted despicable LIARS!


A child with no REAL family, no real solid mother and a dad and brothers that fuc on you. This is beyond sad. My heart goes out to everyone involved. Where there is smoke there is fire! She def lies but i do believe this man is a pervert and absolutely is not innocent. Talking about he had 15-20 women at a time and has 18 kids with 14 different women. Lets not ACT like those aren't sex addict traits. This was shameful to watch.