
Something not right what kind of job does she have?

He can be a powerful force for good pray for this young man.


Commented on Who y'all got?

Sep 16 at 08:02 PM

I’m sorry Kamala and Biden have been busing in every Illegal person under the sun, giving them money for housing giving them money for food, giving them benefits medical coverage, and yet the people here are struggling to put food on the table! And yet Black people here who are descendants of slaves can’t get reparations, but you can give an illegal 150,000 out of the gate, and on top of that, still haven’t forgiven Student Loans. Give me a break, but everyone wants to talk about project 2025 and has not read one page Probably. In the words of Kamala “I’m not doing anything for just black people no” but she sure is helping illegals!


Commented on Who y'all got?

Sep 16 at 07:57 PM

Trump all the way!

Replied on Who y'all got?

Sep 16 at 07:55 PM

I think we should all read each and every page. Has everyone read the whole thing???


Replied on Who y'all got?

Sep 16 at 07:52 PM

Same goes for Kamala.

Tasha is carrying this interview, this women is not saying anything!

Sep 01 at 07:55 AM

Teddy is in trouble!


Candace speaks her mind and stands on it regardless if people agree with her or not.
