Angelina Hill

There was nothing fair and square about the Presidential election.

We blame Trump because he's responsible for Elon being there.


Brieanna Sa Thank you for your service. I'm a dayone supporter of Tasha. It's a sad day when the victim can't get empathy after being shot.

Shelbye Jenkins Wow two totally different cases and circumstances.

YES AMEN. Kelsy saw dollar signs when Tory said i'll pay you each a million dollars but really all she did was fumble the bag with Megan.


Tasha you need to stop and leave Megan alone because you sound like a jealous drunk Auntie. Milagros deserves that law suit the way she put out twisted lies and made up stories about what was going on inside the court room during the trial. Milagros is obessed with Tory and he used her for his greater good and could care less about what happens to her.