
Charlotte, NC, United States

Come back she gonna come back she got it and if she don’t hurt loyal supporters like me, we’re gonna make sure she get it. Team, Candace.

Why are you calling her bitches? Why are you going so hard? You need to take notes from Candace now. You really pissing me off Tasha and I’m still coming to the show cause I know you won’t do refunds.

She is standing on principles she is not a sellout is she standing on what she believe just because her boss assigned her checks if she doesn’t agree with what he’s saying, then she doesn’t have to be forced into agree with what he’s saying, and good thing he did pay her to leave because that was the right thing for him to do. Why are you coming for her? You supposed to be supporting her, this is a disgrace and is very disgusting

Why are you coming for Candace? There’s no reason for you to come for her. You saying all it is and you pushing bullshit propaganda real talk.

I am a victim of incest, rape by which I bore my rapist child. I constantly ran back to him for security. I was abandoned by every damn body my family damn near everybody said I was lying although they knew the truth, the only reason why my story cannot be questioned or tested is for the simple fact I have a 22-year-old daughter and DNA don’t lie and the age that I was when I gave birth to my daughter. This stuff cannot be disputed debated refuted nothing. But if her story is true, I feel terribly sad for her, because I would hate to not have any leeway in telling my truth, and actually being believed, so had not been for my daughter I would have no proof and I would be in the exact same situation that she’s inhaving to defend myself being called a liar all of the things. I’m calling for Truth and Justice for all parties involved.

How many times does a woman go back to her abuser if it’s just domestic violence, this is alleged it says domestic violence and rape so imagine this statistics and the numbers on the right victim. Returning to their rapist I can bounce for that I’m 36 years old. I have a 22-year-old daughter that I conceived via incest rape and he constantly bailed me out all the time and any hardship and everybody said why do you always go back for one you feel so broken and like nobody else wants you or loves you I will touch you, so then you become a prisoner to that personthat’s how come you always go back cause that’s all you know that’s the only thing that’s been consistent that never abandon you.
