
Charlotte, NC, United States

What do you mean? The conclusion is gonna take a huge turn make it make sense Tasha elaborate oh my God see y’all really gonna have me on some wino gang shit. 


All I’m gonna say is technology is extremely advanced, and AI is real. Screenshots text messages Hell, even pictures can be tweaked screenshots all of the things I’m just saying, don’t put nothing past nobody in this world, that’s why I’m a firm believer in bringing the truth to the light doing whatever it takes to get the truth as it really is not my side or side just the actual Truth


In my Ben Shapiro voice education starts at home. The first teachers are the rearing parents or whomever rearing the children, so yeah, we couldn’t be infiltrated in schools and institutions. If we had solid foundations in homes and Black people white people human wouldn’t be selling out their children for literally nothing.

All I’m gonna say is the parents are the handlers they somewhere along the way, excepted initiated had a secret meeting somewhere in a secret place and orchestrated this for their children you can’t tell me nothing I don’t care what anyone say their father is their main handler cause ain’t no Mfn way. the mother in on it too she agreed. Because not only you got a triplets two male one female, the two males transition to female not only did they transition to female but your elder son transition from male to female only to transition back to he self. I mean I think the parents sit down in one of those weird ass meeting somewhere along the way and agreed to all the components to make this big ass Mess. All I know is what I know and that’s all I know. #jesussaves


Oedipus complex she's infatuated with him to the point of sickness.
