Katrina Fox

Jun 09 at 03:33 AM


I see Robert Townsend comment went over some people's heads...his comment was rhetorical...and literally piggybacking of what Tasha said " where are the parents on the set if Dan really did anything to these kids?"

this mother is proof of why there is a recklessness in the blk community of why kids aren't safe in church, in Hollywood, schools etc..I remember two of my cousins and myself were molested has children my sister says " I don't believe it because he didn't touch me" pedophiles don't go around touching every child they pick and choose who they can get away with that kind of behavior ...all three of us lost a parent, being raised by others and had no real support ..

Just because that's one person's experience doesn't mean everyone has the same experience..I was touched as a child along with 2 of my cousins ..my older siblings had the nerve to say " it can't be true because he didn't do it to me " gtfoh

I wonder if the alleged molestation was the real reason Whitney left Bobby and why Christy wanted to keep her distance

How could reesa contact u to tell the story when u said on your live u changed your name? U even said u will not be speaking on this again yet I have seen u on several platforms interviewed.

Reesa didn't think anything of it because she tried to find out who u were from the obituary she didn't find anyone by that name along with the state married in ...if u were trying to stay in hiding we still wouldn't have known who u were if u didn't expose yourself ..to reesa she's thinking the wife in that obituary really wasnt even his legal wife because he lies so much


The other thing to consider is my understanding is that u need to know what state and or country they were married and divorced..ressa went by the addresses on his Background check that's how she found the other wife information...just like how these kids are saying they didn't find any information on another wife..my assumption is they haven't checked the necessary states fir that information

Just how they believe ressa tessa story doesn't add up neither does this story..the kids said she stayed with him after the daughter was sent away for a while because her mind was messed up and needed him to pay the bills..let her tell it that was the last straw and she left him