Lorenzo Curtis

Houston, TX, United States

All_3_eyez I, too, do not believe it, however, I do believe a liar detector test for all parties involved. 

Everyone involved should consider a 'TashaK' polygraph, only to clear the people 'doubt' if any, once and for all. #TruthPrevails

Tawana G It's a natural response to defend oneself, the truth will prevail over eveything else. 


Porcia No ma'am, not the step mom's son. 

People will sometimes rationalize even when they're aware of lying. When your motivation is right and your heart is right, then the fact that you lied is seemingly no big deal. Then, there are some where motivation is to harm others at all cost. Saddened. 

Leah Yes, of course, family and friends alike have called and shared their opinions on this matter. As you already know, these rumors are not foreign to any of us. Yes, some of us have reserved our 'say' or 'opinion' and hope these interviews would have never taken place but since they did, let us now get to the end-results. 


Tamara Hodge Is that the Ploygraph test administered by TashaK's team? If not, I'll wait on their final results.


Celest I am not sure but as she stated, there is more to come. I'm now waiting on the more to come part, especially where everyone involved has taken a polygraph and truth prevails. The truth wins all the time. 


Tamara Hodge  I followed Tasha K on another platform and have witnessed some of her work. Although I live in Texas and have been here for the past 14 years, my ears are still attached to FL. The moment this story aired; we began to get phone calls from both, family and friends, to the point of having to explain various points of the videos. Let's wait on Chantel's polygraph test and then we're able to consciously offer an opinion. 


Kimberly Smith I am not personally relevant to these rumors whatsoever but heard them long before they were brought to these large platforms.