Clarence Freeman

Why you lying people not  crazy. You responsible for 80 percent of the comments. Truth is I didn't give you a damn thing. You just a chic I killed time with twice. It was just a nut but you wanted love. 


You foolish for telling everyone Chsntels papers are real and not altered. You going to deny the law? Where she put father was redacted to cover brother. Their wouldn't be any redaction on my name. Chantels name would never be visible. You put out that fake mess and all them fools followed your lead 


Well who altered the documents? No child's name would be shown. What you say now 

👀🍿lets see how many going to accept this because it seems like the law or truth isn't wanted by all these fake legal professionals. They have made a ton of videos with her fake or altered documents. 


Judah Slaya she already got it multiple times years ago and was hooked. She had a man but got mad when I wouldn't keep seeing her. She was younger of course but not what I wanted. The million dollar question is DID I give her anything since she keeps talking about diseases I've never given anyone. She has made more comments than anyone, it's like she going crazy. Only a scorned woman does all this. I'm truly sorry I hurt her feelings. 

All the years she Said she did it she supposed to know what it looks like if she was doing it. She said she wasn't blind folded after the penetration started. The police report said she was being penetrated at 8 years old so by her admission that's 7 years of sucking it with her eyes not blind folded. The police report says I was having full blown sex with her at 8 years old but she said I didn't penetrate her till she moved to Texas at 13. That's a big difference from her orginal story 

You foolish and only acting up because you want me. You still hooked on this penis and oh yeah did I give you anything other than an orgasm? 

Are you people serious! Chantel has altered this page. Her name would be redacted because she was a child. No child's name would be shown, she has erased and put things where they don't belong, she put Father where it was redacted to hide brother. I never looked at this but was told yesterday about it. How many fools are there? They making videos about this and if they knew the law they would know all children's names and identities would be blocked out. Nothing about my name would be. This is crazy. 


Tawana G you know what trauma is? You trying to build your own YouTube channel and you like Kimmie are a lying and worse than Chantel. I got custody back after all this dumb shit yall talking. Make all that make sense 


NobleRapportLife📸 listen you stupid ass person in November 2003 it clearly said I didn't have HERPES. Genital Warts is the disease I needed to have to connect me to Chantel stupid ass person. I didn't have that so I can't be the man who gave it to her. If you sorry ass people stop lying so much you could really make something happen. Who gave her Genital Warts, why I've never given a woman a disease it's call a misdiagnosed in 2001 and corrected in 2003. Plus if I had HERPES Chantel didn't have HERPES back then. Make it make sense. My wife is dropping facts on Chantel and Teriza in a way I could never. All you fake lawyers you guys better than the real professionals. 
