Ballhead MomaDred

Tasha she to nice/sweet to dog out GOOD GIRL but make sure somebody tell her that we drank wine, sometimes a little Don Julio depending on the moment, and sometimes a little tea even but baby girl we don't drink coffee over here

Juanita Rowe See! He's explained he's a genius and you overlook his explanation and and a tribute his intelligence to autism. The problem with most people today is if you listen to a person they will tell you who they are it's not your job to decipher who they telling you they are. This young man is very intelligent, and intelligent beyond this earthly world he is also intelligent in the spiritual world for he has understanding of what he's dealing with


Ieshia Wright they should Girl God ain't nothin to play with especially when someone teers with his anointed

This Baby is Tied of JW shit. And Tasha we both goin to HELL with WineBottles


TRUTH real true is most of the time hard to believe. Before You accuse this young lady of lying see if there are any receipts. This kind of stuff went on frequently in the minority community in those days. Like Sophia said in the color purple "girl child just ain't safe in a house full of men folk" so before you accuse her of lying let me ask you this are you AI? if not prove it! ( C What I mean)


Andrea Gravette you are not alone. When depressive Spirits go on the attack against you, think of someone you've love that has made their journey. Speak their name aloud! Then share your issues with them. People say you shouldn't talk to yourself, you won't be. You will be speaking to your ancestors and funny thing, they listen they hear they don't tell and they help! Try it if it doesn't work what have you lost? If it does help what will you gain


The Lies They Told now this is going to make a good weekend read! When it drop. Pre-ordering now
