
St Louis, MO, United States

Wino from the first time I ever seen your video, I was hooked🤣🤣

I was dying when Tasha was holding her wine glass close to her ches!!🤣🤣  she looked scared!🤣🤣 then she filled her wine glass all the way to the top!! Then drank out the bottle!!!

I’m dead!🤣🤣



Sep 10 at 08:35 PM

I kept forgetting to post me and Tasha  pic from ST Louis show. I brought my sister who isn’t a wino but she had a lot to say at the show!! My sister was one of the women who you let talk on the microphone and fight almost broke out talking about Sexy red!!! 

Tasha says St. Louis more ghetto than she is but I call it,  “We hella passionate about our beliefs!🤣🤣

We had so much fun and can’t wait for you to come back next year!!❤️

Commented on Who is ready for this?

Sep 10 at 08:21 PM

Let’s gooooooo!!!

( in Glo-Rilla voice)🤣🤣🤣


You are absolutely right Tasha about Damon Dash teeth, or no teeth I should say!🤣

Those are partial dentures. My sister is going through this process of getting implants and ain’t no way he’s getting implants or had implants with that dirty rotten tooth on the side!!! They pull all your teeth out then you still have to wait some months before they do the implants…This nigga been wearing partials for 20 years!! Who he think he talking to??!🤣🤣🤣

Sep 07 at 03:11 PM

I remember Sam from watching them Jaquar videos in her car with Sam and Regina!!! He is so handsome and I can’t wait for this interview Hunny!!!


Aug 04 at 12:34 AM

I don’t see any new video posted today (Saturday) either…. I’ve looked in members only tab, I don’t see anything. What am I doing wrong??


Jul 27 at 09:30 PM

Tasha you look beautiful on that flyer!!! You shuda been smiling l!!!!

You look like Fantasia on flyer too!


Jul 14 at 12:01 AM

What’s Tasha’s email address where you can email her about some wine/gossip?



Jul 13 at 11:29 PM

@tashak…… where can I get that Tasha k shirt you had on in one of your videos???? I wanna wear it and have everybody ask me where I got it, when you come to my town…