
Dionicia smith I think Jaguar was wrong for doing that but I don't think two wrongs make a right. It was wrong to exploit this young man who clearly has a mental health issue. Once this is aired think about how this may effect him. Colleagues may view him differently ... I am just judging the overall outcome by this interview and how this may effect him later. 

Mariea Williams I don't care what his mother does and says about him. We don't have to clap back just because his mother or him does something. He has a mental illness and we need into consideration and have empathy for that. The interviewed exploited this and I honestly could not watch all of it to me I felt sorry for him. I am not saying or reacting the way you want me to. I don't care that he did an interview before I  am just not entertained by watching someone vulnerable like this as entertainment. Just because I like Tasha K and I am a fan of hers does not mean I have to agree with everything a person does.

Lex I have worked in mental health and doing  interviews like this is just not right. I like Tasha K subscribed to her channel but you would never understand unless you had experience with mental health patients this is not funny. So what he is 22. Who cares if his mom called the cops this has nothing to do with that. I am just saying this is clearly a mentally ill person and the interview was not cool 


True and patients like him should be kept off limits he should not be doing this interview this is not funny..I would not have aired the interview 


I don't think that it was ok to interview him he clearly has mental issues I think children should be off limits. I like you Tasha K but I am very sure that if someone interviewed your adult daughter about cardi B lawsuit and how it effected your family you would not like it. Children should be off limits especially if he has parents that are off their rocker