Quincola Collins


Nov 18 at 11:50 PM

Commented on Mrs. LATRUTH

Oct 23 at 06:11 PM

Gurrrrl he is definitely a narcissistic. I believe just off the fact that the way she’s been acting and looking in all the past videos. I been following them for awhile. We need the interview it’s plenty of 🍷 there to be shares

Oct 22 at 01:34 PM

It works now babe. But thanks now I can catch up. I was so mad after I was watching the live on YouTube and was ready to head over to the app with the rest of my fellow wino fam and boom nothing lol I was like TK don’t do me like that. I’m an original since the laptop days lol. But love you and the fam now let me catch up. Byeeeeee 🍷


Oct 22 at 12:08 AM

I get all the notifications and emails and the page won’t refresh at all. Can you please look into it? Thanks



Sep 25 at 06:48 PM

Tk look at this shit the cocksucka FEDLAD I mean VLAD posted 😂😂

I’m posted wino gang
Hey Tasha did you know that nene boothang is buddy buddy with Peter Cynthia Bailey’s Peter they pic is on the Fb page lol I’m dead