
THIS! I got major leech vibes. I’m sure he has tons of dirt on these people but only because he conned his way in. You’ve been friends with these high caliber people for nearly 40 years and have nothing to show for it but a lawsuit and few RECENT pics with celebrities wearing your little friendship bracelets?

Not this man getting hotels and food every two weeks. Tasha, he comin back every two weeks from now on to eat.

Ahh, I get it. So Jada wouldn’t let Will wear the zenni glasses and Will’s lawyer wouldn’t let him wear the glasses. Bilaal promised Zenni he could get Will Smith. It didn’t happen. Now Bilaal is upset because he’s caught up in a lawsuit based off what essentially was a handshake deal between him and Will. Get your deals on paper. Have witnesses. Film it. Had Will did the Zenni post, we would not be hearing about any of this. Wow.

His jewelry website doesn’t work. I see little pieces of his zenni glasses collab. He’s talking about being blocked from accessing Will and essentially Will’s audience. He talks as if Will owes him. Wealth-building. “Do for self.” I’m sorry but who is this man?

This man really hates Jada. Like….truly hates her. There’s no animosity towards Will. Either this man is Will’s boyfriend or ex-boyfriend, or Will put him up to this.

“You can’t fake a prescription.” 👀

Show us the valtrex and penicillin bottles.

Well that escalated quickly. We got VD, dildos, drugs, beans, greens, serial killer 🛋️, potatoes, tomatoes. YOU NAME IT!!

Wait….they haven’t sued yet???? Oh wow.

Just started the interview because I couldn’t wait and….why does he sound zesty? Maybe I’m drunk.

I’m saving this for tomorrow. I gotta know, tho. Do I need something stronger than wine for this? Did he witness another murder?