
I need to see film of brad Pitt wildin out on those kids. I know Angelina wrote that shit lol.

I am shocked to this day that it is Brad who is being vilified when we know Angelina was fuckin Billy Bob Thornton, drinking blood and kissing on her brother.

Okay. Lights are done. Now I can get drunk. I wonder if you’re gonna talk about Tiffany Haddish being in the same room as Jennifer Hudson at the Grio awards and if that was awkward.

I done fell asleep. I thought she was talkin about ice spice. My dumb ass lookin up ice spice to see if she’s a plastic surgeon. I need to mark my spot I think I saw 1:15. Ignore me y’all. I’m FADED.

I found. The edit button.

I could tell she’s been stuffed and pulled and tucked like a damn turkey.

My uncle dated a woman like this chick. We called her “popeye legs”. She pretended to be cool and when he broke up with her she stalked him and tried to put a case on him. I’m watching but skeptical.

Them damn chicken cutlet chipmunk cheeks Jada had def wasn’t natural.

Wait Jay z had a baby mama that what? I heard about a baby in Trinidad and a woman who died who was writing a book but I didn’t think they were the same person. This damn whiskey-infused eggnog!!!

If you didn’t engage with Cassie personally then you don’t know shit.

Also, totally forgot 112 was a Bad Boy group. They disappeared after peaches n cream, right? 🤔

Okay I agree with her on the colorist shit. Like I’m light skin but grew up with my siblings being all shades so if you say some shit about dark skinned people I’m gonna be offended because I was raised like we all black. Don’t be callin people roaches and shit.