
Apr 19 at 07:56 PM

I was told she got a call from her daughter. When I came back into the living room, the live was gone.


Dang, Monica fell off. That was terrible.

Wendy has all of her money and livelihood tied up and Kanye can walk a literal slave through Disneyland.


AI will take over tech jobs. Maybe a few fast food positions. But healthcare will always need humans. And you forget white folks get their life from watching slaves. There will always be some form of a “human” worker but they will be for the rich folks’ entertainment. Like sports, reality tv, stupid prank videos. We will become jesters.

Apr 15 at 07:05 PM

Wait, is this the lady who interviewed JayZ’s mistress?

I thought Russ and Kimora’s kids went to Harvard or some Ivy League schools. Why is she sucking on old turtle dick?

I hate Sexy Red with a burning passion. I try to skip all posts with her. I don’t want her funky diseased energy. I want her to go away.