
I can’t understand anything she’s saying! Seems like the last words of a sentence just fades out. 🤔

Cuz they are delusional and they want us to be that too. No way Hose’!!


You see how she laughed uncontrollably at that mess. Perfect response to his/her delusional azz.

Who is she disrespecting?? Herself?? Cuz that’s what HE wants her to say. The fu—!!!

Shantell Banks for real!! As fine as that wine they’re drinking. 😃

BB naw!!! There are women who can see other women’s faults…no blindly believe everything they say.

Broke!!! Are we looking at the same person? 😎

Trina Folkes please!!! I’m a woman and I can see her faults. She is no angel. Some women just hate men…for whatever reason.

Rethadine well said!!! 💯 💯💯💯