Rae Stone

At least he has don't tome research on NPD, cause Kevin stated in one of his lives that a Narcissist isn't a Narcissist unless they accept it...LOL
Physical trauma is not the only type of abuse.
LOL... ol' girl stopped nodding her head when Tasha pointed out she was agreeing with her.
It is clear that he does not know how to show empathy either (Narcissistic trait) what he defines as love is his love language. What Brianna needed as love is something different.
Love has a language and what some define as love is not the same as what others define as love.
I can't... this sus manipulates every situation to make his brother look like a victim. He constantly states... Robert was wrong... but.... it's Brianna's fault that he was wrong. Robert had a low self esteem... words came out of his mouth, and was happy to have someone like Brianna. She called him gay, because her husband Robert told her about the gay rumors and suspicions. Kevin should not be analyzing Brianna and he did not live in their home. Robert choosing to be with a woman with kids is not a reward to Brianna, he also had a child that he was not the primary caretaker for and Brianna treated her as her own. I think the loss of their mother has created Narcissistic traits in Kevin and his siblings. Jeesh.... this was draining. Kevin is constantly cutting off and talking over TashaK. I'm waiting on her to drag him, cause....

Dec 10 at 09:50 AM

*1:17 min

Dec 10 at 09:48 AM

117 minute long interview, 50 mins spent dragging Brianna...SMH! This man is a narcissist and since Tasha has not watched ALL the videos, she clearly is biased off of who is presenting the better story.
Where is Tantu?