Rae Stone

Jamaican aren't Black...really!?! He is not technically African American because his ethnic background is not of America. However, he has African Caribbean roots. Being Jamaican is a Nationality NOT a race. This is one of the most ignorant things people can say. Do you understand that in the USA, everything is Race focused? Other countries focus on Nationality. If you look at me, you will see a Black woman, not a Jamaican woman...SMH!

Jul 03 at 05:33 AM

Where is the child's biological father in this whole situation? Did he sign away his rights as a father?

Commented on Part One of CN

Jun 14 at 11:51 PM

When are the rest coming out?

Feb 12 at 03:39 AM

If their mother was receiving benefits from the Government, child support will reimburse the government, thats why they barely received anything.