
The tech started messing up as it had enough of the BS 🤣🤣🤣
Tasha said I have hyperthyroidism and I don’t Hallucinate 🤣🤣🤣🤣 💀
Did I hear laugher in the background 6mins in ??? 🤣 at which she was saying she would’ve freed the ancestors with her throat ?? 😨😳🤣😅
It’s like his really gassed as if he’s a ladies man and everyone’s week crush everyday when in reality his a camp bestie. I don’t know what happened. I’m reality I want them all to win but yeah he definitely lost me views. It’s funny cuz I can sit and listen to Tasha’s story times for hours and be completely entertained. She doesn’t even need to do celebrity content. Real entertainer. Hopefully Storm will find some directions and resume an upward trajectory.
🤣🤣🤣 Storm 🤣🤣🤣 it’s funny Tasha said that because I’ve stopped watching Storm. I’ve been bored 😐 I seen him do 3hrs of chatting with the other YouTuber. No ma’am.
Yes you can definitely run with the gossip outlook on the delivery of the bible. I’m not offended at all. But that bible is NOT full of white people. Even the descriptions show they ain’t white. The J’s we know today were not enslaved for no 400 yrs. but we all know who were. As for many religions yep the bible talks of witchcraft and worshiping false idols.
The interview: I wished Tasha pushed the issue of his Trans sister fighting his woman.
She said he put her ar risk??? Ma’am you’re sleeping with a married man. You put you at risk. His wife however is being put at risk. Smh