
Replied on Bloody hell

Mar 09 at 02:39 AM

Well I watched a 40+ min live of Chelsea and Tasha talking and Tony the closer took offence and was cussing Chelsea. Tasha defended her then he start calling her all types of black B’s, N words etc. it was a lot. That didn’t look like a joke at all. It’s on YouTube.


Mar 08 at 06:40 AM

It all went down on the live with Tony the closer. Heated conversation 😳


Commented on Here you go Chelsea

Mar 01 at 06:15 PM

This notification took an hour to come through to my email 🤔 is that the norm ?
Yesss Tasha 💜💜💜


Feb 11 at 03:56 PM

F YouTube… utilise them as you have been, they don’t care about you. They are undercover employers and have you feeling like you’re on the plantation. Finding any opportunity not to pay you due to their tight censorship/control. It will be worth it and I believe in you and your team to make it happen. I’m so excited to the evolution 💛

Wish I was in the states to see your first of many successful shows but I’m out in the U.K.

F YouTube… utilise them, they don’t care about you. They are undercover employers and have you feeling like you’re on the plantation. Finding any opportunity not to pay you due to their tight censorship/control. It will be worth it and I believe in you and your team to make it happen. I’m so excited to the evolution 💛
I’m in the U.K. no buying of any tickets. Live show too far 😤

Jan 17 at 06:34 AM

I didn’t watch the Larry stuff I didn’t want to triggered but thank you for spreading awareness