
Dec 08 at 06:09 AM

Your not supposed to be yelling Tasha K


Sound like a nosey ass couple that need to mind their business


She wasn't f**king Ricky that was li Daryl


Her voice so annoying, TF Tasha


Got damn Tasha u good


Commented on the TASHA K ON STAGE

Jun 15 at 02:12 PM

What would be the point πŸ™„

May 19 at 08:42 AM

Just watched Tuesday episode, I was looking for you yesterday, I have Tasha withdrawals whenever you take a off day. Everyday I get home around 6/7, I ask have Tasha went live yet 😩

Commented on Elizabeth

May 18 at 09:22 PM

When Tasha got off the phone with her. She accidentally turned the phone towards the camera. It was so fast ppl had to literally pause it to get it.


May 09 at 08:11 AM

Tasha caught him under another blogger live that was talking about her agreeing and giving his two cents like he used to talk about other bloggers over here. She took his free pass and said don’t ask her about Norris anymore πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, but honestly i felt where she was coming from because she was definitely nice to Norris.