Shea butter

You had a good point but She wasn’t listening Tasha.

Mar 23 at 12:15 PM

Yes can you make it a challenge or a contest??

Mar 23 at 11:52 AM


Dec 22 at 08:38 PM

He is such a cutie 🥰

Old Testament was written in Hebrew and New Testament in Greek. The Bible is the word of God.
TK….. since you think the Bible is gossip please give book chapter and verse. Ok. I’ll wait.

Jan 31 at 08:28 PM

She is sooo pretty
I think Family’s need to be more open and clear about this mess and address it. Get a counselor to help mediate and put an end to it so we can create healthier normal relationships.

Jan 22 at 03:38 PM

Just broke mine too. Before I broke it I think my thighs started distancing themselves from each other. I may have thigh gap here soon 😂