@Tasha,  in my opinion what we  have come to know about "Jane Doe" is probably a direct  result of the trauma that she suffered as a result of what she experienced as a minor.  Whether it promiscuity, substance abuse ,etc.  whatever behaviors she exhibited as an adult could easily be directly caused by past trauma.  We should not judge her, we should use that information to pinned puffy to the crucifix.  What society does not know is what a victim's life would have been if they had not been traumatized.    When will society stop blaming victims?     

@TashK, Why don't you get a clip on microphone?


@TashK,  where do you purchase your AHCC? 

@TashaK , was thar virginity ad shot in a classroom?  Isn't abortions illegal, in most States?

Commented on Why so demonic?

Sep 11 at 07:07 PM

Materialism driven!!!!!

Commented on Today's LIUVE???????

May 10 at 07:34 PM

Thanjk you

I Loved Cheke's words of wisdom.  Thank You, Tasha for sharing them.  

Thank You Savannah  for sharing your story.  Let me make this clear, Savannah definitely was imprisoned for for to much time, especially experiencing the horrific and antagonistic encounters at her home.  I do not wish harm to any one.  With that stated, I only pray that Sabrina is telling the girls /women in her non profit the WHOLE YHRUTH. 

In my opinion, she is doing a great disservice to the girls/women she is telling  the story, if she is not telling them the WHOLE TRUTH.  As Savannah stated its the females, not necessarily her, she was on the receiving end of the torment from a vicious women, seemingly still vicious women, if she is not truly utilizing her platforms to stated the WHOLE STORY.  

Savannah, I salute you for acknowledging what you did, from my experience, whether seen on television, told by clients or witnessed in our families, Savannah, you have so much to share with us.  You , Savannah should think about starting an organization telling your STORY.   


That blouse is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥