Skin Deep

I remember her story. I can't for this one. Wow

Feb 23 at 03:10 PM

I called them and they said they don't have anything to do with it and to call eventbright. I've called 5 times and sent an email. I haven't been able to reach them. I'm holding now, it's been 15 minutes. Hopefully, I will get someone. Thank you

Wouldn't it be something if Tyler Perry gave her son the money. Now that would be some good 🍷


Tasha I LOVE you. However, that was not funny and it wasn't nice to laugh at Jr. Please don't do that. The baby is innocent and I pray for some kind of intervention. It's sooo sad.

Reply it's clear she's paying the bills and she does whatever the hell she wants because of it. He has to laugh to cover up the pain. They really need counseling. I pray they get it. We will learn a LOT more when he returns. I still feel that this relationship is toxic and sad.

But...again, if he likes it, I love it. Ain't no married man going to be cool with his wife's sexual behavior outside the marriage like this unless she's bringing home the money and he just don't give a fk. She told us last time, "He ain't got it." She also said she's doing it because she NEEDS to do it. WTH is he doing for income?


What a narcissist this woman is. What the hell does she have on him that he can't divorce her. This is sad AF. He needs to leave her immediately. But....if he likes it, I love it. This is a very toxic relationship. SMH
