Skin Deep

Caught this video late however, I'm glad I'm here. She is hilarious. When you do your next tour in Houston, she should be an opener. I know she can put some material together to join you. She has great energy and she's a good storyteller. The crowd would be in tears. Make pain pay you. Her story and the way she tells it would be a great opener for your tour. Yall are great!

I got that as well. I appreciated his wisdom at such a young age. I enjoyed the interview.

I'm not sure what all the negative comments are about. I enjoyed the video and I thought he was a wise young man.

Tasha the bank will call and text you if there are suspicious charges. It has happened to me twice.

I fell asleep on this one and woke up to the comments. I thought it was just me. SMH

OMG. I'm sorry, I'm sick of him. He's Bitter and he needs to get a life. Will is not the savior for black people meanwhile he's tearing down the very man he expects to build others up. I'm over it. Get you some business. Will ain't ever fnk with you again. It's OVER. Nobody wants them freaking glasses or gift boxes. You too dirty and grimey. This is sad!!

This is a shake down. Period.

But do you got some wine on Diddy though. Spill that 🍷 Brotha!!

Sir, Will is NEVER going to come out and say he beat Jada. Also, you can't make Will leave his wife. He knows what type of woman he has so it's his choice to make. I think you just need to go head on. Nothing is going to happen to either one of them. Receipt or no receipt. My question is? If they offered you some Millions would you stop the book from coming out? He wanted Will to put his wife before him. Man...STOP IT. YOURE TO BITTER!


Wasn't Will just out with another woman? Even if he leaves her, I doubt if he will be his friend. I want to know if he ever had relations with will. He was looking real Zesty on one of them photos. Ijs