Skin Deep

I almost STOPPED this video. This woman is delusional. All she got was d$ck. She wanted the clout and felt she was better than Latisha. Three pregnancies?? Where was your responsibly? I'm done with her. Ain't no way he would leave Latisha for her. He NEVER gave her a dime. Didn't pay a bill. Didn't support her in any type of way. Five years of D$CK. That's what she got. NOW she's bitter. GTFU! I'm sick of these side chicks and I ain't even married. Just pathetic!!

Mar 24 at 07:22 PM

I am waiting for this interview. However, I'm not going to lie her song "Afraid" gave me chills. She Betta come through. God got this one. 🙏
I'm sorry, she played herself. If I'm going to sleep with lil baby you best believe I'm getting something out the deal. didn't get your hair and you f$$$$$ for free. So you got NOTHING out of all of this. Make it make sense?

Mar 16 at 07:45 PM

The X has a right to tell her story. Wth. I'm sick of folks screaming lawsuit and lawyers when they don't do this when folks go on "the other" platforms to share their stories. You told him right. GTFO You did nothing wrong. You provided a safe space for her to share. If he has a problem with that, he needs to take that up with his Ex Wife.
I wasn't able to make it however, I will definitely be at the next one. I'm so glad the event was a success and everyone had a wonderful time. I did leave that person a comment on his page where he was saying you put him out. I told him GOOD she should have put your a$$ out. He just came to be messy and have something to talk about. He ment you no good. Great Call and Business move. You served notice!! 🌹


Mar 03 at 06:12 PM

Can someone tell me if we are able to cast the movies to the TV?
