Skin Deep

I did enjoy the video don't get me wrong. Tasha you asked some great questions. I just wish he would protect himself and his costars. It's a lot going out here. My comments were not to judge him at all. It's his life. Let's just be safe out here. 💜
If you are having sex every 2 days, How can you be sure you will not catch something or your costar doesn't have anything? The risk of it all!! How irresponsible. This is insane!!!!
I also believe Cora has had gay relations. These pastor children are off the chain. Don't tell me about pastors, my stepfather was one and I can tell you this......When my mother got away from this man and was able divorce him she was 90 pounds. It was nothing but by the grave of God my mother is alive and well at 75. OH....I can tell you about these church folks. I believe this woman. I pray her son gets reunited with her child. 🙏 🙏 And...protect her Lord.
I cried so many times. I feel every once of her pain. I pray she gets her son back, in Jesus name. 🙏 🙏

Jun 12 at 03:53 AM

Thank you. I found it

Jun 12 at 03:51 AM

Where is Part 2?

Jun 11 at 06:41 PM

Does anybody know the name of that video they talked about on Nature Boy's teaching?
Dro is definitely on his grown man ish. I love his growth and I'm praying for his daughter. I'm walking that walk myself. I know all to well how it is to go the hospital or crisis team and I could not make her get help because she was over 18. My daughter had to want to get help. By God's grace she has been in a recovery treatment facility since March. We had family day for the first time over the weekend. She is doing well. One step and day at a time. It will all work out Dro. God is faithful. 🙏

May 26 at 11:15 AM

At 14:39 she said she was sleeping with him. Ok.....

May 26 at 10:57 AM

I thought she said she didn't have sex then she said she did. Then she was in love with him. I'm confused. I'm done with this interview.