Francine White

McDonough, GA, United States

Hey wino just got here


Thanks for allowing us to see one of your live shows.


Jan 08 at 03:42 PM

I'm single and I've been going through INTENSE flashes, I 3 fans on, 5 blankets, and 2 dogs in my bed. My daughter complains because I'm hot, I'm cold; I told her to just wait..


Commented on To all my fans🙏🥂

Jan 08 at 03:39 PM

Prayers for your marriage, lol. My aunt and uncle had separate bedrooms, until the day they died, over 50 years.

Nov 20 at 08:17 PM

Get well Tasha K, you're day one winos understand, we love you. Continued recovery

Nov 08 at 03:20 PM

I'm glad you're doing well, enjoy the drugs. Love you

Just watched the replay, Kaleena acted like she was on something.

Oct 02 at 09:39 PM

I've went out and came back in 3 times. I did the update couple days ago

Sep 13 at 05:08 PM

Happy Phuckery Friday the 13th birthday. Have an awesome weekend, my birthday is Monday.