carol mays

Huntsville, AL, United States

May 26 at 06:31 AM

good to see a lot of melonated ppl working the set and equipment

perfect example of "when hoeing gets old" . The next time she sees 44, it will have a one in front of the number. As for the sister, she went all the way to the store for wine that cost less then $10. But, Kia is a baller -- at least in her mind.


I will give it another replay, but she's giving drug addict to me. I don't know him personnally -- at all -- but she doesn't appear his type, petite. The interview gives me, "I need attention." Like its rehearsed.  The lack of eye contact. She makes no sense.


May 19 at 06:13 PM



she looks high which would explain the lapse of memory w/the details



May 01 at 08:28 PM

love the cussin pastor; he's real; TK, I think you should wait until the divorce is final, especially if there could be repercussions with the wife's job. we can wait.


Windy is the only on that show, outside of Karen that has multiple incomes.

TK, ask her how TMZ plays a role in these behind the scene control exercises. Wow, she seems to have a target on her back. Proceed with caution.


TK, can't wait until you get your invite to the WH Correspondence Dinner; very cool event.
