Tasha G

Brooklyn, NY, United States

Feb 28 at 02:41 PM


Feb 08 at 11:11 AM

Thanks Tasha! I’m about to order this right now🍷

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Feb 05 at 10:12 PM

Smh. Tasha… do what you need to do

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Feb 01 at 12:17 PM

A hard no

I got home just in time!🍷🤣


Tasha I was watching this video when arriving to work this morning and had my AirPods in my ear. Went to the bathroom, could no longer hear because my phone was on my desk. When I came back to my desk… my supervisor called me over and said that he and some of my colleagues heard you talking about some wedding and you had them hooked. I was so embarrassed 🤦🏾‍♀️because you’re unsensored over here. My supervisor said that he was invested🤣. They wanted to hear the rest of the story. It was hilarious. Thanks for making my morning lol

Aug 26 at 02:56 PM

Can’t waittttt to see this🍷🤗


Jul 26 at 09:11 PM

Whattt lol. Which one is you! You’re welcome🍷🤗

Jul 22 at 04:16 PM

We had such a great time! I didn’t get a chance to see you. Definitely going to the Houston show🤗🍷