

Sep 23 at 08:11 PM

app not working for me all videos say i can’t watch them even thou i just watched Karlissa earlier. trying to resubscibe but it’s saying my email is incorrect. funny thing is it’s the same email i got the alert that you were live an hour ago

did anyone else have a problem watching the show from the app. i had to go on the website my app doesn’t show this as being the last show. anything i need to do?
tasha you a lesbian girl???😂😂😂😂😂😂
lmao i knew she was joking when she said that about the gays….should’ve known that bc she used it to reference a person who say they are straight
@chelsea…..i be pausing shows to talk to you lmao but the whole “i’m waiting” approach I LOVE IT
chelsea grown ass women don’t need to be coddled. with that said please stop worrying what ppl say about you. it doesn’t pay your bills and i hope it doesn’t keep you up at night. it shocks me as a new yorker you are so bothered by ppls opinion. we come from a town where as long as somebody can see you l, they will have something to say. pick and choose your battles you do t have to go for everyone that comes for you!
“an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” and tasha your absolutely correct in how you handled norris….i am late as hell and just caught up last week with all that’s going on with the bloggers since january. i haven’t been following everyone else even tho i’m subscribed. now i understand all the shade that’s been thrown in the comments of the content. going tit for tat with them will be to no avail like you said, it comes across as bullying. all of me was saying “norris where was covid when you was talking sideways” BUT you see how us winos are, a lot of us are worse than the beehive lol. There was no need to go there plus if he watched the show i think he’ll own up and apologize. also in my opinion his shade was being thrown at chelsea not tasha he was as more of a parrot than a person with an opinion but i can see how it looked bad. speaking of chelsea i never understood why she was getting so much hate but now i see it stems from her personal life….crazy how ppl think they have a say lol. Keep up the good work tho. all in all I’m a lil said that it came to all this but #wino4life
couldn’t completely watch this…honestly i just don’t care! I only entertained this because I thought this was similar to the Legrand story (cult leader from brooklyn in the 70’s) to me ppl just don’t like their choices, they’re not bothering ppl. I can’t speak on the rape allegations but from the other parts it seems like grown ppl made choices whether they were good ones or bad ones is between them and their 3god🤷🏿‍♀️