
chelsea everybody time is coming…i see what you saying now
chelsea said i was home by 8 o’clock….off the line pls😂😂😂😂
oh one more thing while i’m ranting….he illiterate he didn’t understand….he understood he made millions singing about it gtfoh
i like chelsea so let me diplomatically tell her about herself when it comes to R kelly and these parents, because she keep saying it. just an observation i have when it comes to my experiences with women who don’t have kids. they know it all until they have them. then they call the very parents they once judged for parenting advice. Ms chelsea no matter what we instill in children, those out side influences are usually a lot stronger than a parents teachings. Think about when you were a teen i’m sure your mom told you things, but you more likely listened when outside influences may have told you that it wasn’t as serious as your mom made it seem. Example, how many of us had sex before marriage or children out of wedlock or didn’t attend college. Can’t tell me if you did any of the above your parents wanted that for you or taught you how to obtain it. yes these parents were negligent in this R kelly situation but it still doesn’t negate that a grown ass man kept repeatedly indulging in having underage sex. he knew he was wrong because he kept coming up with different ways, payments and nda’s to hide it. he married an underage girl and beat a trial but instead of stopping he kept doing it. this is why he needs to be in jail. not for you chelsea….i’m sick of the argument that he wasn’t the only one doing it. maybe his thirty years will keep ppl from praying on children and even if the parents consented the children legally can’t we all watch law n order SVU

Jul 26 at 01:24 PM

i remember you being super emotional, up and down in your mood and blamed being depressed because of turning 40. Not to mention you were in court, still tryna kick off this app, was doing so many interviews and going live on youtube. You wear a lot of hats and having thyroid disease can affect us differently for instance i had the bulk of my thyroid issues in my teens when hormones were all over the place. when we get checked for our condition and they always test for t3 or t4 levels when other hormones can be affected. which may explain why your more erratic when you are near your period. i can sit and talk all day about this disease but it affects everyone different i just noticed we have a lot of the same symptoms including being mean while pregnant….there word not mine

Jul 26 at 12:58 PM

i agree, I like me some Chelsea but i think her problem is she is too guarded…idk if it’s her line of work or things she has been through. But i think she’ll get it together. to the ppl saying tasha needs to get rid of her i’m puzzles we only see a fraction of their interactions and for all we know this can all be for show

Jul 26 at 09:29 AM

Tasha i think your symptoms are linked to your thyroid issues. I have a rare form of thyroid disease and I exhibit the same symptoms. I swear I saw these symptoms in you around your bday when you were close to having surgery
Happy Anniversary❤️❤️
i can’t fathom how the R kelly supporter can’t see how a child can think and behave like a child, but wants to give a grown ass man a pass because he thinks like a child….tasha you handled that well this is why you’re the 🐐