Mrs Everything ✌🏾

Jan 23 at 05:42 PM

Thank you - oh and add cumin I forgot that in the pic and just make it as spicy or not so spicy as you like

Jan 23 at 05:29 PM

You go girl - you’re killing it 🙌🏾

Commented on Smoothie Bowl

Jan 23 at 05:29 PM


Jan 23 at 02:15 PM

Thx for sharing Tasha…I’m very familiar with him ❤️ . He’s an excellent source! Shout out to the DMV where I moved from 2 yrs ago to Soutb Florida as I need the sun and warmth

Jan 23 at 01:22 PM

Thank you honey! Yes I had to fast on Friday night even though it was supposed to start at midnight Saturday and I was like oh no that doesn’t work for me 😂 But you got this along with me. You’re doing an amazing job 💪🏾

Jan 23 at 01:20 PM

Thank you and same to you! Yes I have to see it so I can accomplish it! You’re amazing 🤩 Accountability is everything

Jan 23 at 10:44 AM

That’s awesome 👏🏾 Shavon - we are NOT turning back…yes life changing 🙌🏾

Commented on Dinner time!

Jan 23 at 10:24 AM

That looks really good 😊

Jan 23 at 10:23 AM

Your mouth gonna drop from all the weight loss. Today is the 1st day I really felt my weight loss 🙌🏾

Jan 23 at 09:48 AM

Thank you 🙏🏽