Teniqua Martin

Chula Vista, CA, United States

How can you really act like you or your life is so much better then theirs when you used demonic phrases to so-call distance yourself from these types of people. To conjure up anything is satanic. FYI. And based upon your choice of words you could possibly be just as messed up as The Freeman’s.

Listen to the interviews and stop just watching them cause y’all asking questions that have already been answered. 5 different times in 5 different interviews.


Are you guys paying attention to what’s being said in the actual interviews? Why are people generalizing the entire family. I don’t know any perfect family. Most families have problems and secrets. Unfortunately black families have been sweeping child molestation and incest under the rug for generations. Lets be clear, it take courage to do what they are doing. And unlike Chantel, they are not doing it for monetary reasons they gain nothing by doing these interviews, but are risking losing everything just to try to clear their name. Anyone who has done the proper research, would know the truth. And anyone who can say that they have done the research and don’t see she is lying obviously cannot read. (Reading is not just reciting what you see on paper. Reading also requires a sense of understanding) or cannot read efficiently and effectively.


No boo!!! thang you sound weird.


Tasha please shut this young ass simple minded ignorant child Kimmie down please. I tried to tried to comment on one of her post but I think the comments might be turned off. But this is what I tried to post.

Kimmie I feel bad for your ignorance. "The mind is a terrible thing to waste." Obviously money and rating have caused you to put aside logic, morals and the truth. Just remember that you are now part of the problem. I don't understand how black woman will complain and bash men for not being good fathers, but not give credit to men like Mr. Freeman. You are part of the problem FYI. If you knew how to or could afford to gather all the facts of this situation (cause a lot of it is public record) you would not be as confident as you are now. Cause baby you look f****** Ignorant.



Asha Makeny I KNOW TASKA ALWAYS HAS THE 🍸🍸🍸🥂🥂🥂🍹🍹🍹🍷🍷🥂
