Mz. Cam

Augusta, GA, United States

Commented on Glammas day 2

Jan 17 at 07:53 PM

You need some beans ( protein) to help u feel full and the fiber from it to aid in slow digestion. Slow digestion will kick that metabolism up.

Commented on My Day 1

Jan 17 at 07:47 PM

How are you during your fasting hours? Are you still hungry?

Commented on Under the weather

Jan 17 at 07:41 PM

Get better. Having no taste will help u out.

Commented on Day 2 of 14 (Detox)

Jan 17 at 07:38 PM

You are spot on bc I’m getting my 8 hours of sleep bc if I’m up watching tv 📺 I want a snack. Even tho it want be bad…I miss my yogurt .

Commented on Let me get on board

Jan 17 at 07:34 PM

Wow I had to look that up….I’ve never heard of it before. I just hope you have success on this journey with natural herbs. Maybe something will stimulate the nerves in that area to help your esophagus move your food down. 🙏

Jan 17 at 07:14 PM

It’s a lot of chopping of vegetables but the outcome is good

Jan 17 at 07:11 PM

It works with a balsamic vinegarette or look it up to see your variations that you can use

Replied on Morning breakfast

Jan 17 at 12:43 PM

Okay I like coconut water…. We are all kinds of resourceful! I just love this sister hood🥰

Replied on Morning breakfast

Jan 17 at 12:42 PM

Yes no milk of any kind

Replied on Morning breakfast

Jan 17 at 12:41 PM

😂 where was you this morning!!!! Thanks bc I’m so use to using coconut milk 🥛 that I forgot to think of an alternative.