Also wondered how they got away with rape/molestation. I’ve been working around the Amish for past two weeks. The girls look young as heck with all these babies running around…. Interesti mg
Somethings I feel like you should chuck-up as a lost. You shouldn’t have posted this. I am surprise you didn’t end 2secs in. 🤥🙄. Rape/incest are extremely serious. What made you post this??
All righty just wanna jump. Come on now anal and you don’t remember what age that is definitely unbelievable. I’ve been molested raped and much more anal with a whole Nother subject and she talking about white stuff coming out. OMG why did you post Tasha?
Girrrrrrrrl this is a bomb ass interview. I wish this could be posted on youtube and errrrwhere else!!!!!!!!!! KUDOS to both of you! I love intellectual conversation, love the real talk on what gvt doing, etc. so MANY highlights